Qualifications for Learner Induction
Learner enrichment, induction and tutorial programmes allow learners to study a range of topics in greater depth and breadth and help them broaden their skills and enhance their overall learning experience.
The qualifications on this page can be delivered all year round and their compact size helps learners achieve a national qualification alongside their main programme of study, as well as meeting Ofsted requirements. These qualifications cover a wide and diverse range of topics and skills areas, making them ideal to supplement Study Programmes and help to ensure full time funding hours are met.
Many of the qualifications are accompanied by free interactive digital resources to further enhance the learning experience.
We have a range of options that can be easily embedded into induction and enrichment programmes while equipping your learners with key green skills that are applicable to the rapidly developing green economy.
Stand-alone qualifications in green care and sustainability*
*Although the above qualifications are not individually funded by the ESFA, they are eligible to be used as part of study programmes. The units included in the above qualifications have been added to the majority of our E3, Level 1 and Level 2 Qualifications as units and can be contextualised to any vocational area. They can also be used in Study Programmes as additionality.
Qualifications with green units
We have 60+ fully-funded qualifications at Entry Level 3, Level 1 and Level 2 that combine essential learning and employability units with sustainability, environmental conservation and green care​ units. Green units include:
- Environmental Issues
- Ethical and Political Issues Relating to Land-Based Activities
- Exploring Careers in the Green Industries
- Global Warming and Climate Change
- Introduction to Sustainability
- Investigate an Environmental Issue
- Project in Sustainability
- Supporting Sustainability in an Office Environment
- Sustainability Issues In An Industry
Please visit our Qualifications with Green Units page to view the full list of available qualifications.
Most of our qualifications at Level 2 and below have study skills included in them as we recognise that many learners will need some support to successfully return to learning. It may be possible to deliver a short qualification, such as the Level 1 Award in Progression, using just study skills units.
Our suite of Entry Level 3 and Level 1 qualifications in Health and Wellbeing can help you enhance learner engagement and wellbeing. They are short and easy to take up, come with free online learning resources and are ideal for helping learners achieve a national qualification this academic year. Qualifications include:
We have developed a number of employability-based qualifications which feature updated and fresh unit content designed to help learners develop the skills they need today to access employment opportunities. Many of the units in these qualifications have free learning resources and can be delivered in a variety of learning environments.
The use of component funding is particularly useful here to build a customised programme that can be funded.
The qualifications below provide a thorough understanding of the Prevent Duty agenda and safeguarding people in different settings and contexts.
The OCNLR suite of Essential Digital Skills qualifications has been developed in accordance with the DfE National Standards for Essential Digital Skills and covers the five skills areas:
- Using devices and handling information
- Creating and editing
- Communicating
- Transacting
- Being safe and responsible online
The qualification aims to enable learners with limited existing digital skills to develop the confidence and motivation to safely access and use community and wider services, and opportunities presented online and digitally.
For more information on short qualifications with digital resources, please visit our Remote Delivery and Digital Resources page.
Next steps
If you are new to OCN London please click on the Become a Centre form below to begin your Centre Approval.
Existing Centres can contact us on enquiries@ocnlondon.org.uk to explore further.
- Qualifications
- Building and Construction
- Qualifications For Learner Induction
- Skills For Professions
- Business, Administration, Marketing and Law
- Continuing Professional Development
- Pathways to Employment - Building & Construction
- Creative Industries and Design
- Pathways to Employment - Creative Industries
- Pathways to Employment - Business and Enterprise
- Pathways to Employment - Health & Social Care
- Digital and Computing
- Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care
- Education and Training
- Employability Skills
- English and Maths
- Essential Digital Skills Qualifications
- First Aid
- Health, Early Years and Social Care
- Level 2 Adult Social Care certificate
- Humanities, Social Science and Languages
- Digital Functional Skills Qualifications (DFSQs)
- Public Services and Sport
- Science and Engineering
- Service Industries
- Supported Learning / SEND
- Vocational & Progression
- Qualification Search
- Unit Bank
- Remote Delivery & Digital Resources
- Online Platform
- Learning Materials & Assessment Tasks Sample Request Form
- Resource Packs
- Interactive Resources
- Qualifications With Green Units
- UK China Education
- Access and Pre-Access
- Prevent Duty, British Values and Safeguarding
- Flexible Learning Packages & Courses
- ESOL International
- ESOL Skills For Life

Become a Centre
If you are ready to apply to deliver OCN London qualifications and seeking Centre approval, please complete our online form to arrange a meeting with our team and to request the relevant documents.
Become a centre