Access to HE Diploma Approved Centre Area
Welcome to the Access to HE Diploma Approved Centre Area. This page contains documents and guidance for OCN London Approved Centres that are delivering Access to Higher Education Diplomas.
Resources & guidance
- We have a wide range of tutor guidance, marketing materials, assignment briefs and assessment materials, webinar recordings and templates in our Tutor Resource Area (log-in required)
- OCN London Access to HE Diploma Guide
- Advanced Learner Loan – the Access to HE Diploma is the only qualification where the loan is written off if the learner goes on to successfully complete a higher education course
- Access to HE Guide for learners
- Preparing for 2024-25 delivery (log-in required) – resources to help tutors to prepare for the introduction of the new Diploma Specification and Grading Scheme from 2024
- For more details on the costs of our Diplomas, please visit our Charges area
- Use of AI in assessment statement
Diploma specifications & Pre-Access qualifications
QAA resources & guidance
- QAA Access to HE resources – Access to HE Diploma Specification, Subject Descriptors and Grading Scheme Handbook
- Access to HE Data report – annual national report providing an overview of the characteristics of Access to HE students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the courses they study and their progression to higher education
- QAA Career Coach – an online tool that helps match prospective students with the Access to HE programme that best supports their professional ambitions.
Learner registration & certification
- OCN London Quartzweb system – for learner registration
- Learner registration guidance
- Forms for final moderation and awards boards – for centres to request extension or alteration of individual learner’s results through the extenuating circumstances, appeal or referral process
- Requesting a replacement certificate
University & HE applications
- Partnership agreement with the University of East London
- Progression agreement with St Mary’s University, Twickenham
- Progression agreement with Goldsmiths, University of London
- Progression agreement with LIBF
- Learner Area – including Linking London guidance on applying to higher education as an adult
- Information for Higher Education Institutions
Forms & templates
Assessment plans
Access to HE assessment plan (Excel version)
Assignment brief and feedback forms
Assignment brief and feedback template (L3 graded unit)
Assignment brief and feedback template (L3 ungraded study skills unit)
Internal moderation forms
Internal moderation of assignment brief form A – for new assignment briefs or briefs updated to include the new Grading Standards
Internal moderation of assignment brief form B – for briefs already approved through quality assurance processes but have been updated for use in a different context
Internal moderation of assessed work form
Internal moderation investigation form – for providing an overview of outcomes when internally moderating in order to investigate an issue over a large number of learners
Standardisation forms
Summary of standardisation of multiple samples
Template for standardisation of one sample
Report on standardisation activities
Other forms
Assessment templates, extended project forms, checklists, referral forms and guidance – available in the Resources and Guidance area (log-in required)
OCN London’s Michael Sargent Bursary Awards
Michael’s contributions to our work over the years were considerable and varied. He was a Trustee on our Board, a member of our Quality Committee, attended countless OCN London validation panels over a 25-year period and was an External Moderator for 15 years for programmes ranging from Basic Skills to Access to HE.
Michael is remembered not just for his professional expertise but also for his kindness, his wonderful sense of humour and his genuine belief in and support for enabling adults to return to learning and discover their potential. It is extremely fitting that we acknowledge his lifelong commitment to widening participation in education with this bursary award.
2023-24 Awards
This bursary award is established in memory of Michael Sargent who played a pivotal role in the development of OCNs and was also one of the longest serving OCN London moderators. In his role as Special Adviser for Post-16 Education Developments at ILEA in the late eighties, he supported the development of OCNs in London and was part of the fabric of the OCN movement from the very beginning.
The Bursary Award celebrates the achievements of Access to HE learners in two categories:
Outstanding Academic Achievement
Learners nominated in this category should have excelled in their academic study by producing assessed work of a consistently outstanding quality whilst on their Access course.
Outstanding Commitment to Study
Learners in this category should have shown evidence of some or all of the following:
- outstanding commitment to their Access studies, perhaps in the face of difficult and challenging personal circumstances,
- having made an inspirational journey which demonstrates the life transforming power of learning,
- individual achievement beyond standard expectations,
- clear evidence of extra effort above and beyond that which would normally be required of a learner.
A winner and runner up is selected from each category, with the winners also being put forward for the National Keith Fletcher Memorial Access to HE prizes. You can read all about the fantastic achievements of this year’s winners and runner’s up here.
Nominations for learners who have completed their Access to HE Diploma in this academic year (2023-24) are now open!
Download the form below
Guidance notes and general rules of conditions can be found on the nomination form. Please read these carefully prior to submitting your nomination.
Nomination forms should be emailed to Michelle Wood, Access to HE Development Coordinator, on or before 31st July 2024.
OCN London really do share our ethos when it comes to creating opportunity through education
Eat That Frog
Become a Centre
If you are ready to apply to deliver OCN London qualifications and seeking Centre approval, please complete our online form to arrange a meeting with our team and to request the relevant documents.
Become a centre