Equality & Diversity Policy
OCN London is an equal opportunities organisation
It is our aim that there shall be equal opportunities within this organisation and in all the services we provide and within our approved centres and via the services they provide.
In particular it is our intention that there should be no discrimination on the grounds of gender, marital status, colour, race, disability, age, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation or political opinion. OCN London will also ensure that no discrimination occurs in relation to all of the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010.
All OCN London employees, associates and approved centres (including centre staff, Assessors, Verifiers and administration staff concerned with our awarding organisation activities) have a responsibility to comply with the intentions of this policy.
In order to implement the policy we shall:
- Incorporate appropriate responsibilities and duties in respect of implementing the equal opportunities policy into job descriptions and work objectives of all staff
- Provide equality training and guidance to our staff as appropriate including training on induction as well as further on-going courses as identified via our internal management and review arrangements
- Communicate, as appropriate, this policy to employees and all those associated with the services provided by OCN London in particular centres.
- Ensure that all members of staff and/or consultants involved in any aspect of our qualification development and delivery arrangements to comply with this policy. In particular that they ensure there are no barriers to entry to units and qualifications it develops and delivers and/or offers for disabled people, for women or men, or people from different racial groups, other than those directly related to the integrity of units or qualifications. The nature of any barriers deemed acceptable to the qualification or unit will be stated and the inclusion of the requirements that create the barrier justified only and explicitly in terms of the integrity of unit or the qualification. Any details of how the effect of any barriers will be mitigated, including using access arrangements, including reasonable adjustments, will be recorded.
- Make every practical effort to ensure that materials, services and facilities are not only free from bias, but will also support employees, associates approved centres and learners in maximising employment and personal development opportunities.
OCN London will comply with all current and relevant legislation which at the time of writing includes, but is not limited to, the Equality Act 2010. This policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.
As part of the monitoring of candidates registering for an OCN London qualification we will collect information on diversity, requests for special considerations, access arrangements and feedback from learners, centres and other stakeholders.
All relevant issues identified that suggests our provision or services may have unnecessary impacted on learners will be reported back to the Director of Quality and the Quality Committee who will be responsible for leading on introducing amendments to provision and/or services where necessary and in accordance with our internal procedures for developing and reviewing units and qualifications.
Details of the outcomes of each review will be made available to the qualification regulators upon request.
- Centres
- Invoicing
- EDSQ Invigilation Form
- Replacement Certificates - Centre Request
- Training & Events
- Training & Development
- How To Conduct A Tutor Observation
- How To Produce A Reflective Learning Diary
- Introduction to QuartzWeb, The Learner Registration & Certification Process
- Internal & External Moderation
- Developing Your Internal Moderation Skills – Accredited Programme
- Charges
- OCN Policies & Procedures (General)
- Appeals Procedure
- Complaints Procedure
- Equality & Diversity Policy
- Service Standards
- Learner Registration & Certification
- Quality Assurance
- Assessment
- Assured Status
- External Quality Assurance
- Internal Quality Assurance
- Quality Review
- Standardisation