OCNLR Level 2 Diploma in Skills for Further Study in Health and Human Sciences

Key details

  • Course code:  601/7561/8
  • Level:  L2
  • Per-learner fee to centre:  £118
  • Guided learning hours:  358
  • Credits:  39
  • Minimum age for access:  16

Why choose regulated qualifications?

  • Regulated by Ofqual
  • Many are fully funded
  • Occupationally relevant

About this qualification

This qualification enables learners to gain transferable skills and knowledge in order to progress on to further learning on higher level vocational qualifications.


This qualification is available as a non-funding option.

Units with support materials and tutor resources

The below units have associated Resource packs.

Please contact us to enquire about using these materials or to request a demonstration.

Group Name Credits Resource pack Interactive resources Online platform
Mandatory Group A Referencing Skills L2 (Assessment only) [H/504/8447] 1
Mandatory Group A Skills for Effective Learning L2 [Y/507/7024] 3
Optional - Group C Writing Standard English L2 [J/504/8764] 3
Optional - Group C Measures L2 (Assessment only) [K/504/8773] 3
Optional - Group C Critical Thinking L2 [A/505/1967] 3
Optional - Group C Improving Own Learning and Performance L2 [D/506/1052] 3
Optional - Group C Practical Presentation Skills L2 [Y/507/0591] 3
Optional - Group C Collaborative Working Using Digital Technology L2 (Assessment only) [M/616/8892] 3
Optional - Group C Digital Content Creation – Text and Image L2 (Assessment only) [F/616/8895] 3
Optional - Group C Improving Personal Productivity L2 (Assessment only) [Y/616/8899] 3
Optional - Group C Programming Fundamentals L2 (Assessment only) [J/616/8901] 4
Optional Group B Understanding Mental Health L2 [H/504/8478] 3
Optional Group B Human Biology L2 [M/506/2562] 3
Optional Group B Practical Presentation Skills L2 [Y/507/0591] 3
Optional Group B Diest and Nutrition [Y/507/0705] 2
Optional Group B The Cardiovascular System [A/507/0681] 3
Optional Group D - Green Units Supporting Sustainability in an Office Environment L2 [M/504/7849] 2
Optional Group D - Green Units Ethical and Political Issues relating to Land-Based Activities L2 [A/617/3528] 2
Optional Group D - Green Units Project in Sustainability L2 [F/650/1980] 3
Optional Group D - Green Units Exploring Careers in the Green Industries L2 [M/650/1985] 1
Optional Group D - Green Units Investigate an Environmental Issue L2 [Y/650/1988] 3
Optional Group D - Green Units Sustainability Issues in Industry L2 [Y/650/2011] 3
Optional Group D - Green Units Environmental Issues L2 [A/650/2012] 3
Optional Group D - Green Units Global Warming and Climate Change L2 [F/650/2014] 2
Optional Group D - Green Units Introduction to Sustainability L2 [M/650/2019] 1

Next steps

To find out more about delivering this qualification, contact us at enquiries@ocnlondon.org.uk.

Deliver this qualification

If you would like to deliver this qualification, or find out more about OCN London qualifications and/or bespoke courses, click below.

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Related Qualifications

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L1 OCNLR Level 1 Award in Assisted Living Awareness 3 27 -
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L1 OCNLR Level 1 Award in Understanding Personal and Interpersonal Conflict 3 27
L1 OCNLR Level 1 Award in Understanding the Importance of a Balanced Diet and Regular Exercise 1 9
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L2 OCNLR Level 2 Award in Assisted Living Awareness 3 25 -
L2 OCNLR Level 2 Award in Emotional Resilience 6 48 -
L2 OCNLR Level 2 Award in Awareness of Mental Health and Wellbeing 2 16
L2 OCNLR Level 2 Certificate in Skills for Further Study in Health and Human Sciences 18 144
L2 OCNLR Level 2 Extended Certificate in Skills for Further Study in Health and Human Sciences 26 205
L2 OCNLR Level 2 Award in Skills for Professions in Health and Social Care 6 44
L2 OCNLR Level 2 Diploma in Skills for Professions in Health and Social Care 37 285
L2 OCNLR Level 2 Award in Nature Based Interventions and Health 9 71 -
L2 OCNLR Level 2 Adult Social Care Certificate 35 280 -
L3 OCNLR Level 3 Award in Awareness of Dementia 11 86 -
L3 OCNLR Level 3 Certificate in Tackling Substance Misuse 15 105 -
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L3 OCNLR Level 3 Award for Trusted Assessor: Assessing for Minor Adaptations 3 24 -
L3 OCNLR Level 3 Award in Supporting Children and Young People’s Speech, Language and Communication 9 68 -
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L4 OCNLR Level 4 Award in Developing Awareness of Assisted Living Technology 6 39 -
L4 OCNLR Level 4 Award in Developing Innovation in Health and Social Care Practice 6 39 -
L4 OCNLR Level 4 Award in Managing Change in Health and Social Care Practice 6 39 -
L4 OCNLR Level 4 Award in Reablement in Health and Social Care 6 39 -
L4 OCNLR Level 4 Award in Understanding the Health and Social Care Needs of an Ageing Population 6 39 -
L4 OCNLR Level 4 Award in Skills for Service Managers Working in Gender Based Services 12 32 -
L4 OCNLR Level 4 Award for Trusted Assessor: Assessing and Adapting the Home 4 28 -
L5 OCNLR Level 5 Award in Palliative Care Awareness 8 12 -
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