OCNLR Level 1 Certificate in Introduction to Health, Social Care and Children’s and Young People’s Settings

Key details

  • Course code:  601/3125/1
  • Level:  L1
  • Per-learner fee to centre:  £96
  • Guided learning hours:  213
  • Credits:  25
  • Minimum age for access:  14

Why choose regulated qualifications?

  • Regulated by Ofqual
  • Many are fully funded
  • Occupationally relevant

About this qualification

This qualification will prepare learners for further learning or training and enable them to develop knowledge and/or skills in the subject area of health, social care and children’s and young peoples settings.


This qualification is available as a non-funding option.

Next steps

To find out more about delivering this qualification, contact us at enquiries@ocnlondon.org.uk.

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