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City of Portsmouth College

At City of Portsmouth College, we inspire and empower our students and staff to find their place in the world by fulfilling their individual academic and vocational passions. Ours is a uniquely flexible curriculum offer within Portsmouth, including A Levels, T Levels, vocational diplomas, apprenticeships, and higher education qualifications. We recognise that everyone is different, and we celebrate those differences. Whatever your individual skills and talents, at City of Portsmouth College we help bring out the very best in you.

General information

  • Duration of courses: one year
  • Learning support: our Learning Support team assess students’ needs and talk to them about how they can help them get the most from College
  • Accessibility: we welcome applications from students with disabilities, learning difficulties or medical conditions. Our disability equality scheme sets out our commitment to equality of opportunity and widening participation


Access to HE Diploma
Health and Human Sciences

  • Attendance: Evening and day options available for some subjects
  • Progression: Local and National Universities. For example, learners have progressed recently to a range of health, science and social science degrees, including Nursing and Social Work, at universities such as the University of Portsmouth, University of Sussex, Cardiff University, University of Winchester, Southampton Solent University and the University of Chichester
  • Location: Highbury Campus
Qualification aim number:  40011707Credit value:  60Guided learning hours:  450-600

Contact details

Main Sites

Highbury Campus Tudor Crescent
PO6 2SA Tel: 023 9238 3131

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