OCNLR Entry Level Award in English: Reading (Entry 1)
Key details
- Course code: 601/6635/6
- Level: E1
- Per-learner fee to centre: £18
- Guided learning hours: 60
- Credits: 6
- Minimum age for access: 14
Why choose regulated qualifications?
- Regulated by Ofqual
- Many are fully funded
- Occupationally relevant
About this qualification
This qualification offers learners the opportunity to develop their core English skills by improving their confidence in learning and filling gaps in their knowledge.
The qualification provides a firm foundation for learners who require a clear progression route through the levels to Functional Skills or GCSE qualifications in English.
The units used are based upon the National Standards and Core Curriculum for Adult Literacy.
There is funding available for this qualification from the following source(s): EFA 14-16
Find out more by accessing The ESFA funding hub.
Next steps
To find out more about delivering this qualification, contact us at enquiries@ocnlondon.org.uk.
Deliver this qualification
If you would like to deliver this qualification, or find out more about OCN London qualifications and/or bespoke courses, click below.
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