Forms For Final Moderation & Awards Boards

Submitting results for final moderation

The tracking sheet with the learner results should be submitted using the Access Quartzweb upload portal by the results deadline. The results deadline is normally set as 5 working days before final moderation.

Submit results for final moderation

Further guidance about preparing the results and using Quartzweb can be found in the Tutor Resource Area.

Only one version of the tracking sheet should be submitted. If changes are required between results submission and final moderation or after final moderation then one of the following forms should be submitted by the centre.

If you are unsure about which form to use then please contact your Centre Moderator (before final moderation) or the OCN London Access team.

If a data entry error is identified by the centre at any point after the final results submission, including after certification, then the appeal – data entry error form should be submitted. This form should not be used where a learner’s result has changed after the results submission deadline due to further assessment or internal moderation (this is not a data entry error but an appeal) or as a result of an external moderator’s decision.

Forms for final moderation

Extension Form

An extension form should be submitted through Quartzweb with the tracking sheet before final moderation for each learner where the centre would like the opportunity to add results that are not on the tracking sheet.

These can be results where the evidence of achievement will be available at final moderation but had not been finalised on results submission day or where the evidence is not going to be ready by final moderation and the learner (or centre) requires an extension into the summer so that their units can be completed or assessed.

This form should be used for learners with extenuating circumstances.

Printed versions of the extension forms should also be presented to the Centre Moderator with relevant supporting documentation.

 Award through extenuation form

An award through extenuation form can be presented at final moderation for a learner who has been affected by exceptional extenuating circumstances where the centre would like the opportunity for units to be awarded on the basis of achievement of the learning outcomes rather than the assessment criteria.

An extension form should have been submitted for the learner through Quartzweb prior to final moderation, as the results being awarded through extenuation should not have been claimed on the tracking sheet.

The regulations for award through extenuation can be found in the Grading Scheme Handbook Section E Addendum.

Forms for the awards board

Appeal to the awards board

Appeals to the awards board can be made on the basis of:

  • Evidence of administrative or procedural error
  • Extenuating circumstances that, for good reason, could not be notified prior to the awards board

If an extension request has been submitted through Quartzweb prior to final moderation then it is not necessary to submit an appeal form as well, unless instructed to by the Centre Moderator.

Forms for after the awards board

Post-Awards Board appeal

The Awards Board makes the final decision about the award of credits and grades on the Access to HE Diploma, following final moderation. The decisions of the awards board can be appealed up to 6 weeks after the awards board.

The grounds for appeal are restricted to:

  • Evidence of administrative or procedural error
  • Extenuating circumstances that, for good reason, could not be notified prior to the awards board

Appeals Guidance

OCN London does not accept appeals directly from learners unless they have exhausted their provider’s appeals process.

Further details about OCN London’s appeals process for Access to HE can be found in the two guides below.

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