Quality Assurance

Approved Centres delivering OCN provision – whether Access to HE Diplomas, OCN London qualifications – must have quality management systems in place to underpin that delivery.

Systems will vary between centres according to what is appropriate in the particular situation. Practices that work in a large centre will not necessarily work in a small one. Also, an employer-based provider may have different requirements from a college, which could be different again from a voluntary organisation. Whatever the situation, we have two key requirements:

  • There must be an appropriate system in place
  • There must be evidence that it is implemented effectively

‘Quality management systems’ covers the practices of assessment and internal quality assurance (itself incorporating standardisation). Each approved centre must have a named Quality Assurance Contact, who is responsible for ensuring that these systems are in place and are being implemented effectively.

Please see below for further details on our quality assurance processes:

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